Walter E. Reasor, Jr.
Walter Reasor
Class of 1964
H Troop, 17th Cavalry, 198th Infantry Brigade, Americal Division, USARV
Silver Star for gallantry in action against a hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam.
Bronze Star w/V. As part of a coordinated, multi-company-size force moving into position to establish a cordon operation against an unsuspecting enemy force, Captain Reasor’s troop was required to transit an known area of heavy enemy mining. The engineer company assigned the mission to clear the minefield could not complete the final 1000 meters to allow Reasor’s troop to move safely into position. Concurrently, an ARVN unit participating in the operation started to sweep the cordon objective area ahead of schedule, potentially compromising the entire operation due to the cordon not being fully formed. Without regard for his safety, Captain Reasor personally led the troop through the mined area, assumed his position in the cordon operation, and began to secure the fleeing personnel. Captain Reasor’s disregard for his own safety, dedication to the mission and personal bravery were essential elements to the success of the overall operation.
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